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Jackie Appiah |
I believe it was two years ago, at Godwin Kotey's funeral and his daughter, Naa was sitting with me and I was trying so hard not cry. It was a whole lot of things to process at that event. Across from us was someone I consider a legitimate celebrity in Ghana by virtue of how she carries herself. Ms Jackie Appiah.
Naa was so excited that Jackie was there "Aunty, look at Jackie". Desiring to keep the little girl at peace, I was happy she was enamored by something/someone. Before I knew what I was doing, I beckoned to Jackie to come over. She indicated I give her a second and within few minutes, Jackie was sitting with Naa, her friends and I. She spent time playing with the girls and allowing them touch her hair and plant kisses over her face.
Some will see this gesture and call Jackie "Humble". I choose to call her Gracious.
When I hear people refer to celebrities or people in power as humble, it offends me. Please don't raise your eyebrows. I'm a strange fruit. I agree I am not altogether normal. This is a very subjective blog so please, suspend your disbelief and journey with me for a bit.
When ordinary folks refer to people in power; celebrities, stars etc as humble, I get offended. Jesus humbled himself to his father all the way unto the cross. Catch that, Jesus, humbled himself, unto his father. His father is greater than him, therefore, he humbled himself unto his father. But, Jesus was gracious to mankind, gracious, merciful to mankind by taking our sins upon himself.
Us, as ordinary people cannot and, should not say "this public figure is humble". That puts your own personal humility in question. Please, check your pride. You need to acknowledge that Jackie Appiah did not have to unplant herself from her seat and respond to us regular joes. But she did, because she is gracious. Now, if Oprah had beckoned to Jackie and Jackie complied, then Oprah is in every right to say, "Jackie is humble". Because, Oprah acknowledges that Jackie Appiah is a celebrated fellow and for a celebrated fellow have obeyance in the presence of another celebrated fellow, is true humility.
When someone reaches the level of public figure, that person automatically wields influence and, has authority. We need to understand that. A celebrity does not need to respond to your tweet, or reply your facebook message. He owes you nothing. When he does, you need to acknowledge that he graced you. He is "gracious" means you understand that you are not deserving of that person attention or time.But when you say that person is humble, then you are considering yourself to be someone of great importance, when comparatively, you are not...yet.
When you are in the presence of authority, you are the one that needs to be humble and the authority, gracious, because no condition is permanent.
I'm interested in your opinion on this subject.
I always remember the Dalai Lama on this kind of subject and it guides me in anything. I read something he was said to have said; that he does not see himself any different to anyone else, neither higher nor lower. The smallest boy on the street and the great suited and booted gentleman have all thought me things in my life. Whatever little acknowledgement I have received in my life does not afford me the right I feel to see anyone as lower than me nor anyone higher either. I just try to respect anyone I encounter and relate to them as a human being. I want to afford anyone the opportunity to demonstrate their respect, good or bad intentions after which I can make a judgement of them.
ReplyDeleteNow there's some point I have very often mixed up.