Thursday, May 28, 2015

Ghana & Nigerian Actors - Are you planning for your future?

Nadia Buari owns a diaper line.

My phone's annoying buzz woke me up at 1am today. Someone from Ghana, calling to tell me something completely random. I was so pissed because, when I wake, going back to sleep is near impossible.

Anyway. I started surfing the internet in Nigeria, cos I am really fascinated by General Buhari and what his leadership spells for Nigeria and Africa as a whole.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Between the BRAVE Yvonne Nelson and Halidu Haruna

What I really wanted to blog about today is Hospital Killings. I'll do that next week.

I thought I'd heard it all before, but this Halidu Haruna man has just declared I haven't really heard it all.
I've been quietly following Yvonne Nelsons #Dumsormuststop campaign and I fully support her. I was in Ghana in February and it was not a very pleasant experience. My mum and my girls had histamine reactions from eating rotten fish. They had no idea it had gone bad from the constant power outages.