I chose to write this because I’d like to encourage other victims of cyber bullying that its
Internet, you can defend yourself! DEFEND YOURSELF! When you keep the hurt and
anger bottled up inside, that’s when depression sets in and then insanity
Yvonne Nelson, Afia Schwarzenegger, Nadia Buari, John Dumelo, footballers, singers, high powered politicians. Do you see the pattern? Chris Vincent Agyapong Febiri always woefully attempts to pull down those above him who are not particularly interested in being "his friends". When he fails, He snaps.
I'm pretty sure in his private sanctuary he pats himself on the back, thinking he has succeeded in holding the entire Ghana film industry hostage. I don't even want to think of how he congratulates himself! They say when the mad man finds a puddle of water and spreads it all around, he steps back, admires his handiwork and says to himself, "me too, I have made rain".
It's ok to write exposes and you know, blow covers, but it's how. Blow cover, but remember that's a human being you're handling and leave room for air.
It's ok to write exposes and you know, blow covers, but it's how. Blow cover, but remember that's a human being you're handling and leave room for air.
Someday, someone has to say, ENOUGH!
Let’s start from the very beginning!! (Singing)
You need journalists, bloggers, social media commentators on
your side. Especially when you have products to promote. Never be ashamed of
that! It’s the nature of the job.
then publicist made the first connection to Chris and his
Ghana celebrities page when I sing of a well received an
unprecedented 11 nominations at the AMAA Awards. I’m a girl. I know
to work with guys, you gotta really come down and not be bossy. I call
them my
hubby, boyfriend, wedding partner, nothing to it. When you are a strong
person, you need to learn to slow it down sometimes.
started out nicely. If I needed a fire quenched he and
Ameyaw Debrah were my go to persons. If I needed a promo done for the
same thing. He wanted to build my website and I chatted with him about
an idea
for a newspaper.We chatted about the internet trolls and hate speech and
I shared what I always share, I hate it when I am called ugly on his
website! I don't hate it for me, but for my parents. I don't care that I
am ugly, but really, who created in God's image and likeness is called ugly by another human being? Someone as insensitive as Chris Vincent cannot see the bigger picture. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made! Run with that!
Cyber bullying destroys talent long before it is hatched. Young children are online. teenagers are online. You are responsible. We are all responsible. We are from a 3rd world country. We all owe it a duty to that country to help it grow. You have a website? use it to nurture. Not neutralize talents and your enemies so google can pay you a few bucks for rent. That's just low. Others do it, we are not others. We are Ghana. With unique challenges and it is our duty as citizens to build.
Cyber bullying destroys talent long before it is hatched. Young children are online. teenagers are online. You are responsible. We are all responsible. We are from a 3rd world country. We all owe it a duty to that country to help it grow. You have a website? use it to nurture. Not neutralize talents and your enemies so google can pay you a few bucks for rent. That's just low. Others do it, we are not others. We are Ghana. With unique challenges and it is our duty as citizens to build.
There was a lot of hate for me on his
website. Sometimes he’ll send me the posts and I’ll ask him why send that to
me? His response? “to make me laugh.” Really?
Really vile abuse. It doesn’t matter that it’s a faceless
person. It’s a human being typing those things! Never forget that. “Leila’s mother should have aborted her
pregnancy, she’s so ugly” “Does she have HIV”. “Leila Djansi’s mother should
have aborted her pregnancy”. These are not robots typing. It’s humans. Maybe
even people who smile at you when they see you. Let us never assume we don't damage people with the keyboard. You may not be stoning them or setting them ablaze physically but you are emotionally and mentally. Chris Vincent has managed to create his own private Denkyira Obuasi with his website. Everyday, someone is lynched and burnt and google pays. it's time to mourn!
Ties That Bind was my breaking point. Someone on his website
was calling studios in LA, asking them whether Ties That Bind was a Hollywood
film. That was such an embarrassment. I went to Chris and asked why he
published that. He didn’t care. I get
it, he’s a blogger. But still, at least, take a blow for the investment coming
to Ghana. A million dollars. Today he says the Ghana film industry is
dead! Well, he should look at the man in the mirror. Who wants to work
in hate and rancor?
I am not the most patient person, so when my facebook posts
dousing the fires to protect my actors from the negative press suddenly became his headlines, I flipped. I cursed him out.
That’s when the enmity began.
I appreciate that I can be used as a tool to shed light on cyber bullying. In as much as I want to vindicate myself from his atrocious lies and malice, I should not fail to use this medium to create the much needed awareness that cyber bullying is not all just fun and games. Real people get hurt. Human beings get damaged, scarred. Some commit suicide.
If Chris can fabricate stories to promote actors and his
friends, who is to say he is not fabricating all those vile and horrible things
he’s posted about me and others? Consider it. He lies to brand people to be liked. So can he lie to
brand people to be hated. He’s hoping you''ll not read between the lines. That you'll swallow anything he says, hook, line and sinker. I
really want to believe you won’t be that gullible!
Lets move to some hardcore evidence shall we? Law and Order theme song cue....
Apparently he sent me some links to expose my IP address?
First link he sent was March 16th 2010. I was in Texas for the
Clottey Pacqiao fight and stayed afterwards closing financing for Sinking Sands and planning a party for Azumah Nelson.
05/14/2010 he sent me a linked file to trouble shoot my
computer. I don’t click on such baits. And, I was in Ghana shooting Sinking
Another link 12/20/2010. I was in Ghana, Ghana Movie Awards
Link 1/30/2011 I was still in Ghana.
Feb 19th 2011, HE ASKED FOR MY IP ADDRESS. If Chris is able to send me a link to expose my IP address, why ask me for my IP address?
Two days later, things fell apart.
I have asked him to let us have the IP address. We'll just call the service provider. if it's that frequent, it must surely be coming from a singular location, registered to someone. My best friend Aaron is a geek. He installs
all the gizmo stuff for me because my computers carry sensitive information, actors information, reels, movies... As
a rule, I don’t click on links except on my desktop and that IP is not LA. I
know a thing or two about internet. If I want to play
mischief, I will route my IP, bounce it through North Korea. Try sending a bot
to that, your computer will crash!
People say Leila and Shirley are enemies. I have met her on
less than 5 occasions. She is not my friend, per se. I buy her work online. I support her, I support every filmmaker because I also want to be supported. Some say they perceive tension between us. You do so because of people like
Chris Vincent! You hear stories. You ignore, but that doesn’t mean you’ve not
heard. People create issues where there may be none. So in self preservation, everyone cocoons. Why should it be so? Two female filmmakers from a small country.
I find it mildly interesting that he is involving Shirley in
this at all. What has Christabel Ekeh's nude photos and state of mind and my little admonition to actors got to do with Shirley? Chris himself admitted he is the one who was branding the girl via deceiving the public. How does this concern Shirley? I have my theory but I will keep it to myself. Because one day, the wind
will blow and we will see what the chicken has hidden under his feathers! You say the industry is failing? When it is coming, then it is doing. (I have no idea what that means!)
July 17th 1981, my mother started bleeding
profusely and I was born by a stroke of grace. Two weeks later I almost died in
a fire in an incubator. A year later a door fell on my head peeling my skin off
my forehead. The disasters I have encountered, I was stoned in class 4
for winning the cultural studies award on speech and prize day in Kabore school. Car accidents. All in July. Freaky, huh? Anytime I am on the edge of something big, something bigger
comes to attempt to derail me. Today is my birthday, so I am going to say, it
is normal.
We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against powers
and principalities. My mid year resolution is to put on the whole Armour of God. Even if I waiver in my belief sometimes.
post, is for Chris and others like him who have used the internet to bully. He calls others insecure? That's him foisting who he
is onto others. Sociopaths are like that. They see themselves, but they
are never at fault. It has to be someone else.
Bullies are like dogs. When they bark and you retreat, they chase you. Push back!
So he exposes
your secrets so what? Are you the only one with secrets? Let him who is
without sin, cast the first stone!! FIGHT BACK! TAKE YOUR JOY! Own it! IT IS YOURS!
And those who are around him, urging him on. Your time will
come. When you see your neighbors beard on fire, find a gallon of water in anticipation.
The story is told of a woman and her snake. It stopped
eating and started getting closer to her, wrapping around her. Her doctor said, it is getting ready
to swallow you!
You need Chris Vincent to promote your photos, your movies,
your brand. He will, but like the snake he is, he will one day swallow
you. It’s what snakes do! They are not pets, they are beasts!
You see my life? My friends are directing Black Panther and I am here dealing with Chris Vincent.
You see why the industry is repressed? We spend time on things we shouldn't. If we'll just love!
You see why the industry is repressed? We spend time on things we shouldn't. If we'll just love!
Yes please... well said 💪😀
ReplyDeleteYes please... well said 💪😀
ReplyDeleteHmm this is shameful. This is disgusting. This is the exact type of people you don't need in your business.
ReplyDeleteHow does anyone even determine whether one is beautiful or not. These type of people disgust me.
Why can't we accept the truth in this country? Speaking the truth makes you disrespectful? This is just too sad.
Your clapping back would indeed educate any young person who might be unfortunate enough to encounter this Chris guy.
God save Ghana
Leila, I strongly fingure Shirley Frimpong Manso in this saga.
ReplyDeleteHear me out.
I read Ghana Celebroties a lot and I have always commented that Chris writes negatives things about you to favor Shirley. Even when you were not nominated for AMaa award some years back and Shirley was, Chris wrote that it is because Shirley is better than you. I have always been seeing Shirley and Akofa Asiedu around town. Even Senanu Gbedawo works in Shirleys company. Think about it. She is surrounded by people who hate you and are looking for ways and means to bring you down.
So far, Shirley seems to be doing anything you do. Because you have been posting about some film festival, Shirley is also doing the same thing. Joselyn has been posting pictures on twitter everyday.
Christabel, Shirley and Chris are very good friends. Your post about Christables nude pictures might have embarrassed Christable and together, they decided to use their final ammunition against you.
It is good you have posted all the screenshots and the dates. You are indeed a strong woman and God is always on your side.
I'll advise you not to join the Ghana film industry. You are doing well in Hollywood. Keep it up.It is better there. Don't mind Chris Vincent. He is just a woman wearing mans clothes.
I don't agree Shirley has anything to do with this issue at all. I think Chris is just a devilish person who profits if there is enmity between people.
DeleteShirley was at his wedding, I think she needs to be very careful with him because the day Chris will turn on her, like Leila rightly said, he will swallow her and Ken. She already has a lot of stories flying about her in Ghana.