Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Psalm 23, He shall lay a table before you, in the presence of your ENEMIES.
Seriously, if you don't have haters, how would God lay a table for you in their presence? If you don't have haters, people who hate you and call you names for no reason, then you are not doing something right!

Everyday, really, everyday, I receive hate mail on facebook, twitter, on my fanpage etc. It never ceases to amaze me. These are people who have never seen me, spoken to me... It's really something. They claim to have read this or that about you and suddenly feel the need to call you "bad". 30+ years I've lived on this earth, you read an opinion, or a reaction and you claim you know me enough to judge me. Really? How very arrogant and self righteous of you.  I don't understand haters. I don't. They come up with the lamest excuses and reasons to say someone is bad.  For crying out loud! Just admit that you wished you were that person already!

Sunday, at church, our Pastor preached about the Orphan Spirit. I came back home and googled it. I never even knew anything like that existed.

Truthfully, we've all been there. ALL OF US. After the death of my father, I felt so lost and alone. I felt like I had no one to defend me anymore because my father was my best friend. The more successful I become, the more it hurts me that he's not here. That feeling of lonesomeness is what's refereed to as the orphan spirit. But allowing Gods love to wash over you, knowing that he is my father helps me through.

There are other types. Depression, bitterness, jealousy, anger at other peoples success. Orphan Spirit. If you feel the need to prove yourself to people, you have Orphan Spirit.

Really, WHO CARES WHAT PEOPLE THINK? You should only care what God thinks! Who cares about people's approval? I'd rather God's approval than public approval. One reason I will never become something I'm not so people can call me "humble, beautiful, nice" and all those vainglorious words. I do not need approval from human beings. Fallible human beings.

Look, the only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them. Let them write what they want. Let them say what they want. They hide behind keyboards and talk dirty because they want to be you so bad. My sister Sarah used to always call me to tell who has written what about me and I tell her, I DON'T CARE. I don't. I appreciate your love and concern and need to support me, but truth is, I don't need it. I have no intention of encouraging stupid people who can only fight from www. You have a problem with me? Come and meet me face to face. Say it to my face.

There are 24 hours in a day. 14-16 of those hours you are awake. People choose to go online and be bitter and call people names, others go online and build companies and business. Pick which one you want to be.
These keyboard haters can never say what they say behind their fake IDs to your face. They'll see you and walk away because? THEY ARE COWARDS. Their orphan spirit has gone from a simple trick of the devil to possession. The only thing they need now is exorcism.

Their envy of you has turned into full blown bitterness. They can't stand to see you because the glory of God that continues to give you that success is so much. You know darkness can't stand light? They are so blinded by the light you shine, they NEED to make themselves feel better by calling you names to break your spirit. DON'T FALL FOR IT. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength. If you can, block such websites from your computer. Don't allow darkness into your life. You are what you take into yourself. Read only, things that will edify your mind and your spirit. Keep your mind clean and free from all these demonic places. You should know that some of these keyboard haters are actually demons. Minions of the devil, sent out to bring you down, depress you and cause you to sin. They are witches and wizards. Witchcraft is in many forms.

They will try it on cyber space, if they don't succeed, they'll turn to voodoo and juju. if that doesn't work, they might hire assassins to come after you. Do not give them that opportunity. Ignore them. As God continues to expand your coast, their fate will be like that of Sanballat and Tobias. The earth will open up and swallow them.

Stay focused, stay away from sin, and live under the Protection, Mercy and Grace of God

Orphan Spirit

Don't forget, behind every successful person are a pack of HATERS.
Watch this Tyler Perry sermon and see the wisdom behind having HATERS.


  1. I needed to read this at this point in my life.
    People come at me from all angles without even knowing how hard I struggle. You will be struggling and somebody will get up and hate you so much you break down and cry.
    It hurts so bad sometimes especially when you have nothing against them and have not wronged them.
    Life is a jungle, we are all fighting forward. Why cant haters just work ahead with the energy they use to hate others?
    I am nothing special yet but still hateful people hide behind fake names and accounts and emails and send me hate. It's very painful you know. Very painful.

  2. thanks for stopping by my dear. God is your strength. That's one of the purposes of this blog. to teach, learn and encourage. Dine at the table God has laid out before you. focus.
