On set of And Then There was You. waiting on my toys! sexy camera build Le swoon!!! |
I chose to write this because I’d like to encourage other victims of cyber bullying that its
Internet, you can defend yourself! DEFEND YOURSELF! When you keep the hurt and
anger bottled up inside, that’s when depression sets in and then insanity
Yvonne Nelson, Afia Schwarzenegger, Nadia Buari, John Dumelo, footballers, singers, high powered politicians. Do you see the pattern? Chris Vincent Agyapong Febiri always woefully attempts to pull down those above him who are not particularly interested in being "his friends". When he fails, He snaps.
I'm pretty sure in his private sanctuary he pats himself on the back, thinking he has succeeded in holding the entire Ghana film industry hostage. I don't even want to think of how he congratulates himself! They say when the mad man finds a puddle of water and spreads it all around, he steps back, admires his handiwork and says to himself, "me too, I have made rain".
It's ok to write exposes and you know, blow covers, but it's how. Blow cover, but remember that's a human being you're handling and leave room for air.
Someday, someone has to say, ENOUGH!